Respiratory Huddle

RespiraSense Continuous Respiratory Monitoring Device Receives CE Mark

Written by PMD Solutions | Jul 21, 2015 1:36:00 PM

PMD Solutions has received regulatory approvals for the sales and marketing of the RespiraSense Continuous Respiratory Monitoring device across the European Union.

This milestone now enables PMD Solutions to establish a wider presence by leveraging European approvals in countries on other continents.

“RespiraSense was specifically designed to be easily adopted by healthcare providers in order to serve the widest population of patients in the shortest possible time. Delivering respiratory rate to the European market through RespiraSense will enable PMD to work with leading university hospitals and national health authorities to establish a new industry best practice for continuous breathing rate monitoring,” says Myles Murray, CEO of PMD Solutions.

Murray adds, “By leveraging the value of continuous respiratory rate monitoring to maximise the potential of the preventative model of healthcare, reduced length of patients’ stay and improved economic outcomes will be a core measurement of RespiraSense’s performance in delivering a measurable impact to the global healthcare community.”

PMD Solutions is certified as an ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 company that recognises how PMD has deployed world-class operational capabilities to deliver RespiraSense.